10 Pack Mini Play-dough for easy use during 'direct work' with children in social work
10 Pack Mini Play-dough - Social Work Key

10 Pack Mini Play-dough

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It's always good to have play-dough stashed in your locker because It can be used in so many ways. This handy pack gives multiple colours in a size which is easy to store in your bag, your locker or down the side of your car door!

Ways to use:

Take along with you if you’re attending any kind of appointment with a child. It gives you something to do together, something for the child to play with and has a nice tactile quality to it which can help with anxiety or boredom alike.

Take to a visit and make different types of faces, then use these in the same way you would use emotion cards. Make things together and have fun squishing them up.

Play-dough is one of those things that children, young people and adults enjoy playing with. It provides something to keeps hands busy and can lessen the feeling of being “interviewed”.

If you have to have a difficult phone conversation, get out the play-dough and use it as a stress ball or give it a good squeeze when contemplating analysis in assessments or court work.